You've heard of chick flicks? Well, there are some books out there that are meant just for us girls. Books that you curl up in a soft chair with - a cup of hot chocolate or cappuccino on the table beside you. A few pages later you're transported off to another world - another woman's world. But because you are both women, somehow there's a connection. Feelings are shared; minds connect. You can relate to this woman even if she is experiencing something you never have - because you're both women. Or maybe suddenly you see things from a different point of view because she is at a different stage of life than you or just went through something you haven't. But even so, there's a relationship - because you're both women. Whenever I'm feeling lonely or isolated there's nothing like reading a good "chick book" to remind me that all women share common feelings, dreams and desires and so, therefore, we're all bonded together. Of course, having a gab session with a flesh and blood friend is good too!
A few books I've read in the last year that confirmed how unique and special being a woman is (with a quote from each one - some sentences resonate with your spirit and can't be left to the memory; they have to be written down!):
The Year of Pleasures ~ Elizabeth Berg (pg. 160 The older I get, the more I see that nothing makes sense but to try to learn true compassion.)
Eat Cake ~ Jeanne Ray (pg. 122 She was a teacher in her soul and found that inside every action there was the opportunity for instruction.)
Pride and Prescience ~ Carrie Bebris (pg. 174 They began with minor transgressions and escalated their misdeeds, each one making the next acceptable in their own minds until they arrived at a destination so foreign to civilized men that their broken moral compass can no longer lead them home.)
A few books I've read in the last year that confirmed how unique and special being a woman is (with a quote from each one - some sentences resonate with your spirit and can't be left to the memory; they have to be written down!):
The Year of Pleasures ~ Elizabeth Berg (pg. 160 The older I get, the more I see that nothing makes sense but to try to learn true compassion.)
Eat Cake ~ Jeanne Ray (pg. 122 She was a teacher in her soul and found that inside every action there was the opportunity for instruction.)
Pride and Prescience ~ Carrie Bebris (pg. 174 They began with minor transgressions and escalated their misdeeds, each one making the next acceptable in their own minds until they arrived at a destination so foreign to civilized men that their broken moral compass can no longer lead them home.)
I really like the author Elizabeth Berg, too. I read Say When and loved it!! I actually read this and then another Christian fiction book on the same topic, and have to say I enjoyed Elizabeth's book better. She has a way of being very authentic. Having said that, I couldn't finish Talk Before Sleep because the language was so bad. It took away from the story. I hate that about books and movies sometimes!
Do authors write offensive language because that is how THEY talk? Or because they think it adds authenticity to a story because they think that's how OTHERS talk? These days I flip quickly through a book and if I see signs of bad language I don't even bother taking it home. It doesn't bother me as much reading it as hearing it in a movie though. If I've been hooked by a book and then discover the language afterward I may continue reading (if it's not TOO bad). Like the book I'm reading right now - Arthur Hailey "The Detective". OK, just for mental diversion - it's a thriller. But he's got me intrigued and I want to keep reading.
I went to see The Children of Men at the movies - every 2nd word was the f word! Then I read the book --- only one swear through the whole thing (of course, in books they can say 'he swore under his breath' and we understand he's mad, and I guess you can't do that in the movies, but still!..) The novel was MUCH better, too. So, I recommend the book.
I have put in a reservation at the library for this book. It was recommended somewhere in my jauntings. I'll save the movie for a movie night when I can watch it using the TV guardian.
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