Sunday, February 21, 2010

If we all take one small action...

Sometimes you feel powerless when seeing all the tragedy around the world. You want to change things; make a difference; have some significance in your life.

Today is Freedom Sunday. A day when people around the world of every faith and non-faith, come together through action and prayer to take one step closer to freedom from human trafficking. Join hands with us.

Freedom Sunday from David Hepburn on Vimeo.


Anne Geddert said...

Never heard of this before. Wish I would have known about it - where did you hear about it?

Maureen said...

We did a unit on William Wilberforce a few years ago in Faith Quest. We looked at slavery then and now, so I did a lot of research. I got on a mailing list that continues to update me on the human trafficking situation. Lanny missed some free trade chocolate on Sunday! :)