Monday, January 4, 2010

Of hats and hardship

It’s fitting that my first finished project of the new year is a crocheted hat. In 2010 I want to get better at crochet, which I have just dabbled in during my lifetime. The only way to get better at something is to do it a lot, so my hats for the homeless will be done with hooks and not needles. Yarn: Noro Silver Thaw (wool, angora, nylon) Pattern: Cat and the Hat Rib Cuff Beanie

I had lots of time to read over the holidays and pulled out a book that has been languishing on the shelves for a few years. “Gap Creek” by Robert Morgan is an Oprah Book Club selection. Her choices aren’t always my choices, but I like to give them a try. This story of a young Appalachian country couple during their first few years of marriage carried me along from start to finish. Not all of it was pleasant reading – life was very hard, both because of the times and because of choices made. It made me thankful for my life situation and prayerful that my children will look to God for their choices and not necessarily to their hearts and emotions.


Karen said...

Looks pretty darned good for someone who doesn't do it often...

Aneta said...

Nice colors!
I read that book a few years ago and really liked it.

Anne Geddert said...

Sheesh - If you could please quit giving me ideas for holds at the library that would be good. I am burning up the online hold button. =)

BTW - I love all the stuff you knit and crochet. Liz is also crocheting stuff now - she made a french press cozy for me. I am so impressed with you both - for having the patience to keep steady one stitch at a time.

Nancy said...

Nice looking hat.

I've read a few of the books on Oprah's list: some I think are good; others, lacking.

PJ said...

I crocheted for the first time in October, and I wanted to make a slouchy hat, but I ran out of yarn and became discouraged. If I ever pick it up again, maybe you could give me lesson :)

Maureen said...

I'd love to help you out with my nominal skills :) You should join your mom and me on knit night some time.