Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Spider's Web

I didn't really WANT to reserve a large-print version of Peter Tremayne's novel "The Spider's Web", but that's the only way it came and I want to read the whole series of Sister Fidelma's mysteries situated in ancient Ireland. (reading large-print makes me feel old) It actually took me over a week to read it - that tells you how full my life has been. Or maybe it wasn't as interesting as the previous ones have been. It WAS enjoyable and the title is apt - the plot was as complex as a spider's web. I continue to enjoy the historical aspect of Tremayne's novels - I learn something new each time I read. My quest to obtain the audio version of one title so that I can say the names and places correctly.(I think it's Valley of the Shadow) has still been unsuccessful, so I'll keep looking. Oh, the excitement of the chase!

On an aside - I did try another Alys Clare book (she writes mysteries from ancient Ireland as well). The first few pages were enough to convince me that I won't bother with her again.

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