Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A crafty few days

I've made progress these last few days on knitting projects. Not so much on reading. The 52 in 52 has gone by the wayside. 26 in 52 might be a more manageable undertaking. What I did learn in my reading today was that you can actually knit unspun fiber. This will have to done to be believed because I just can't get my mind around how it can work. I did pick up some unspun fiber at the thrift store the other day, but I have it earmarked for a thrummed hat. Sailing knitter very generously shared her pattern for this kind of hat and I'm anxious to try it out.

My WIP (works in progress) and FO (finished object): fingerless mitts (second of the pair); gift socks for George; fingerless mitts (customed designed by my daughter).

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