Friday, February 13, 2009

A day well spent

Having some time to kill yesterday I wandered into a branch of the library that I don't ordinarily visit. The craft section didn't offer much, so I made my way to the oversize shelf. Gold mine! A beautiful, coffee-table book of knitting. "Knitting in America" by Melanie D. Falick is a book about people who are passionate about wool, yarn and knitting. It is so inspiring to read about men and women who have turned something that they love, into their life's work. And then tonight I watched the movie "Last Holiday" which is one of those stories that are all about what's really important in life and living life to the fullest.
If I had a day job that I hated...I'd be quitting it now.

I made a little progress on the second after-thought

heel sock. It is now relegated to "van knitting".

There are too many other, more pressing projects in the queue to be spending valuable home time on them.

Today I made one fingerless mitt for myself. These must be finished before it gets too warm to need them. I love the pattern (jack-in-the-box mittens minus the box) and the yarn (Paton's Classic Wool). They have a beautiful cable on them called the staghorn cable. I used the great tutorial at this address to do the cabling without a cable needle. So much easier.

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