Kid's fiction is arranged in alphabetical order by title; non-fiction is grouped by category (eg. science, math, language arts etc.) I have a bookshelf for Christian books arranged by title. Or author if he or she has written more than two.
There are two "hot spots" that I'm attempting to get under control these days. One bookshelf in my living room has all the others. These are books I want to keep handy for reference or am planning to read or they just make me feel good. It needs to be gone over as it's become a dumping spot.
And then there are my magazines. Especially now the knitting magazines. Tea times for the last few weeks have included magazines and post-it notes. As I go through the issues I put in a post-it with either the item I'd like to make or the technique being shown. Most are now sitting happily in my filing cabinet with little flags flying, enticing me to "knit me, knit me". It's amazing what a contented feeling you have when chaos is tamed.
A quick update on my knitting progress: I got the ww sock to where I thought the toe decreases should start and began the other sock. In the meantime I tried it on my husband and it will have to be ripped back an inch to start the decrease. That's good news, as it means I'll have more yarn available for the second sock. There's about an inch to go on the Knit Picks socks before the heel turn - I'm making these babies LONG to handle size 12 EEE feet. And yes, there is another sock cast on in the middle. For my son; it had to be done. Variety is the spice of life.
Oh...I learned a new computer trick. I downloaded Passchendaele from itunes (took two hours!) and watched it the other night. Why was I so anxious to watch this I ask myself? One of those movies you feel you should see, just for the historical significance. But lots of war-type violence and some other scenes I could have done without.
how much did it cost to download the movie from itunes?
I, too, revel in the feeling I get when I'm organized. However, I am somewhat failing in that regard. My living room has piles of book all over it, now that our built in bookshelf is gone! I will be on the lookout for a wall unit now..
P.S. Would you consider allowing anonymous comments...much quicker to leave a comment.. :)
The movie cost $4.99 and was available for 48 hours. Cheaper than a drive into town!
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