Thursday, January 22, 2009

Finally...New Year's Resolution #10!

This is the room decorating look that appeals to my heart and gives me the urge to sew and crochet and craft to create the perfect surroundings that really say "home".

This is the decorating style that appeals to my mind. In these surroundings my mind settles; is less chaotic. I can think clear and orderly thoughts. My constant battle is to maintain balance between image one and image two.

Which brings us to New Year's Resolution #10. Next year, around December 1st (give or take a few days), I will bring out of storage not 6, not 5, not even 4, boxes of Christmas decorations. No, I will bring out one, specially packed box of a tree skirt (yes, we will have a small tree), a few tree ornaments, my nativity sets and four miscellaneous wall ornaments. Yes, next year we are downsizing the Christmas hoopla. I feel less stressed already.
The seed for this idea was planted by Dawn at Knit Naturally podcast. Thank you, Dawn. I love you.

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