Thursday, January 1, 2009

The first thing I've read in 2009...

Wayyyy too early I'm up and reading

My husband ski patrols today, which means he's out the door at 6:00 am. Usually I roll over and go back to sleep after the alarm. Today, however, a shot of adrenalin kept me awake. He set the alarm for the wrong time, so it was "yikes! I'm late!" Even after he left in a flurry my blood was still racing, so I decided to check out my groups on ravelry. Then the phone rang. Now I'm still checking groups and thinking that if I am going to go back to bed it had better be soon. I can't even count on a nap later either.

What have I learned from my reading?

  • There are a lot of great looking hats out there that I would like to make.

  • There's an interesting looking fair isle workshop taking place in April at Sun Peaks that is much too pricey for me to go to. I can buy a lot of yarn for 300+ dollars. I do plan to learn fair isle this year, though.

  • you can press the "more" button on the forum list to see even more posts!

  • I can't get enough reading about knitting to satisfy me. I'll even go without sleep for it :) Is that called an obsession?


netablogs said...

Yep. :) A magnificent one, though!

Happy New Year! Are you joining NaBloPoMo, too?!!! Check out my blog! C'mon. You can do it! :)

Anne Geddert said...

Happy New Year Maureen!

We were up early this morning too and I am feeling it painfully at the moment!

Keep recommending great books! Not too many about knitting though =D